Social Media is a no sales zone!

This is a hard one to swallow, but, selling on socials is a big no no!! ... 

Before you totally disagree and your mind goes straight to all those times you’ve actually created leads or even sales from social media ... let me explain!


Social media wasn’t originally built as a sales platform. It was designed for connection, not commerce. But as pages, groups and business features grew, it became a great tool for promoting brands and services.


In a way, social media doesn't exactly love businesses. The algorithms are sharp and they can spot a sales pitch a mile away. If your content doesn’t fit the platform's goals, it often gets hidden resulting in a massive drop in reach. 


Think of it this way ... repeatedly 'asking' people to buy from you on socials is like having a sales assistant follow you around in a shop. It’s a bit annoying isn't it! Most people just want to browse at their own pace.


So how can small businesses actually succeed on social media and bring in real customers if the platforms aren’t exactly designed for it?

The trick is to focus on creating a need for what you’re offering. Show people who you are, what your business stands for and why your product or service matters. Highlight the problems it solves and the value it adds to their lives.


When potential clients see themselves in your story, relate to your message and feel that they genuinely need what you offer, that’s when the customers come to you and you generate new business!

Genuine, authentic sales whilst building a strong brand ... yes please!!